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Emotion Rush


This game is meant to help kids learn about their emotions. Which meant we had to do research about the topic, interview kids, and create a fun game.


One of the school assignments I did which I personally really liked. I have to say even though the end result of the Demo wasn't amazing the game was fun and interesting to work on.


I was usually the person who playtested and talked with the kids about the game and getting feedback for that. I created the player movement script and made sure that the player could increase and decrease their stats by doing certain tasks and worked on collisions and triggers. I also made some minigames that are quickly shown in the trailer. I also made sure the animations worked when a button was pressed.


Download game here

Tools used during this project


Unity Engine

Visual studio (coding in C#)

Trello (used for scrum)

Discord (online meetings)

Github (file sharing)

Google drive (sharing smaller documents)


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